Showing posts with label Close the Gap Fund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Close the Gap Fund. Show all posts

Saturday, June 08, 2024

Can you donate $10 to help Black students attend and finish college?

Can 1000 of us give $10 to help support Black college students in need?

Hi, my name is George L. Cook III. I am a trustee on the Union County College Foundation, and we help students finish college.

I am raising money for the Union County College Close The Gap Fund. The Close The Gap Fund helps Black students attend and finish college through grants or micro scholarships that they DO NOT have to pay back. Many African American students at our college struggle to finish school not because of academics but because of finances.

I am asking that 1000 of us give 10 dollars to raise $10,000 to support the Close The Gap program.

Many of these students struggle with their stay in school but not due to grades. They need help with paying for classes, books, transportation, and even paying for lunch.

Your contribution can make an impact on a student's life. Donate by using the widget below or at this link:

Watch a message from George Cook below:

Friday, July 14, 2023

Please donate to help Black Students finish college

George Cook is a former board of education member and councilman from Hillside NJ. He is also a trustee on the Union County College Foundation which helps students to attend and finish school by GIVING them money to finish school. These funds do not have to be REPAID.

One of the programs that The UCCF funds is the Close The Gap Fund which Mr. Cook is very proud of has quintupled the graduation rate of Black students at Union College (formerly Union County College) since its inception eight years ago. To date the fund has raised over $400,000 to help Black students.

Many of the students that benefit from Close The Gap have the intelligence, character, and work ethic to finish scool but lack the financial resources to do so. The Close The Gap Fund are used for books, laptops, transportation, meals, and even to pay for that last class a student may need to graduate.

George Cook has personally raised over $10,000 for The Close The Gap Fund as is holding his annual Facebook fundraiser to raise more for these desrving students. He stressed the importance of education and believes that is is the great equalizer.

"If not us then who will help our children" says Cook when asked why he holds this annual fundraiser. "We have an obligation to give back and help this next generation of leaders. They are are future doctors, lawyers, politicians, teachers, etc."

Watch the video below to see how your donation would benefit the Black students at Union College. If you would like to give to the Close The Gap Fundraiser please click here:

Donate to the Close The Gap Fundraiser please click here:

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Councilman launches fundraiser to help Black students finish college on MLK Weekend

UPDATE FEBUARY 2021: The Facebook fundraiser has ended and raised over $2,100, but anyone still wishing to donate can do via Cash App. Donations can be sent to $gcuse.

Five years ago Hillside NJ councilman, George L. Cook III was invited to a fundraiser given by the Union County College Foundation to support something called "Close the Gap”.

The Close the Gap campaign was intended to accelerate the pace of African American student success at Union County College by providing financial assistance to students approaching graduation as well as resources for other academic needs.

Cook was so impressed by the initiative and the passion of those who started it that he asked to join the Union County College Foundation to help out in any way that he could. After being accepted into the foundation Cook struggled in that first year to see where he could fit in with the mission of both Close the Gap and the Union County Foundation.

At that time Facebook started allowing users to run fundraisers. Cook had over 5,000 friends so he started a fundraiser for the foundation. That initial fundraiser took in $920 and in the three years since over $4,000 more has been raised in an annual fundraiser Cook starts on Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend.

This year the councilman launched his fundraiser on January 16, 2021, the actual birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.

Cook says that he chose that date to honor Dr. Martin Luther King and that King understood the importance of education. He then quoted King.

"The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education."

The councilman also stated that giving to help these Black students finish school is also a way to help fulfill King's dream.

"Many of these students just need money for transportation, books, to eat while at school, or just to pay for that last class they need to graduate." said Cook.

In these times of Covid-19 that has become all that much more difficult as students must now struggle with other issues like helping their families pay rents or pay the bills. These students need our help now more than ever. As we all know that when a student drops out there is a good chance that they will not come back. Let us not let that happen."

"Thanks to the Close the Gap initiative, the graduation rate for male African-American students has more than quadrupled at Union County College in the five years since its launch. Let us keep that progress going. Please donate today.

Donations can be made via Cash App here $gcuse