Saturday, June 08, 2024

Can you donate $10 to help Black students attend and finish college?

Can 1000 of us give $10 to help support Black college students in need?

Hi, my name is George L. Cook III. I am a trustee on the Union County College Foundation, and we help students finish college.

I am raising money for the Union County College Close The Gap Fund. The Close The Gap Fund helps Black students attend and finish college through grants or micro scholarships that they DO NOT have to pay back. Many African American students at our college struggle to finish school not because of academics but because of finances.

I am asking that 1000 of us give 10 dollars to raise $10,000 to support the Close The Gap program.

Many of these students struggle with their stay in school but not due to grades. They need help with paying for classes, books, transportation, and even paying for lunch.

Your contribution can make an impact on a student's life. Donate by using the widget below or at this link:

Watch a message from George Cook below:

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