Seven Bucks Productions announced that they will executive produce “The Untitled Phil Heath Story,” a documentary film that will unveil the extraordinary life story of seven-time Mr. Olympia, Phil Heath, as he rises through the ranks, battles the scrutiny of the media, and takes on bodybuilding’s scariest foes. All while standing on the brink of becoming the greatest Mr. Olympia champion to walk the earth.
Written and directed by award-winning Canadian filmmaker Brett Harvey (Inmate # 1: The Rise of Danny Trejo, Ice Guardians) the film chronicles Heath’s extraordinary comeback journey as he battles his way back to the 2020 Olympia stage after a two year hiatus, in an attempt to reclaim his throne and cement his legacy among bodybuilding’s all-time greats. Heath, who claimed the title of Mr. Olympia every year from 2011 to 2017, is now plagued by injuries that come with 18 years of physical and mental sacrifice. Adding to the challenge of his comeback is COVID-19 and its looming implications on his training schedule and the Olympia event itself, presenting an entirely new dynamic to the hill that Heath must climb, as he once again stands on the edge of bodybuilding history.
“As a fellow bodybuilder, I am endlessly in awe of Phil’s abilities and unprecedented career,” said Executive Producer Dany Garcia. “Not only is his physique iconic but his work ethic, mental persistence and relentless commitment are simply unmatched in the sport. I am excited to be collaborating with Phil, alongside our partners, to tell his story with conviction as well as to bring an authentic glimpse into his world as he cements his legacy.”
“Phil is one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time and when it’s all said and done, he could become the greatest to ever step on stage,” said Executive Producer Dwayne Johnson. “For good reasons, his nickname is “The Gift” and his bodybuilding surname is “the Dream Killer”. This is going to be fun to produce. I can’t wait.”
“I’m thrilled to partner with Brett Harvey and the Seven Bucks Productions team whose creative minds and trust make them the ideal partners to finally share my story with the world. I look forward to offering unprecedented access as I compete in yet another Mr. Olympia and using this opportunity for self-expression and honesty to allow my fans around the world to finally understand who I really am,” said Phil Heath.
“It’s a rare opportunity to step inside the personal voyage of an elite athlete who has been as dominant as Phil Heath,” said Brett Harvey. “Even more rare is the ability to do so while he battles back from injuries and attempts to alter the course of bodybuilding history within the landscape of a world pandemic. I’m intrigued to be joining Phil’s fascinating journey.”
Johnson and Garcia will executive produce the film on behalf of Seven Bucks Productions alongside Adam Scorgie for Score G Productions and Super Channel, and Phil Heath. Seven Bucks Productions’ Hiram Garcia, Brian Gewirtz and Kevin Hill will also serve as executive producers, along with Erin Lardy and Nikki Cuff on behalf of The Garcia Companies. Stephen Green will edit.