Showing posts with label United Negro College Fund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Negro College Fund. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

United Negro College Fund Statement on the passing of President Jimmy Carter

The UNCF released the following statement on the passing of President Jimmy Carter

We deeply mourn the passing of our nation’s 39th President, Jimmy Carter.

President Carter was a true advocate for higher education and historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

He was the first U.S. president to issue an executive order focusing on historically Black colleges and universities. Executive Order 12232 directed the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education “to implement a federal initiative designed to achieve a significant increase in the I participation by historically Black colleges and universities in federally sponsored programs.” The order specified that “… initiative shall seek to identify, reduce and eliminate barriers which may have unfairly resulted in reduced participation in, and reduced benefits from, federally sponsored programs.”

Every president has followed with an executive order on HBCUs since President Carter issued his in 1980.

During his presidency, President Carter established the White House Initiative on HBCUs. This initiative aimed to increase federal funding and support for HBCUs, as well as improve their visibility and recognition. It also sought to address the unique challenges faced by HBCUs, such as financial constraints and limited resources.

President Carter's policies helped HBCUs enhance their academic programs, infrastructure and research capabilities. This support played a crucial role in expanding access to higher education for African American students, fostering educational opportunities, and promoting diversity in the higher education system.

Furthermore, Carter's administration emphasized the importance of equal educational opportunities for all Americans, regardless of race or ethnicity. His commitment to civil rights and equality aligned with the mission and values of UNCF and HBCUs, making his policies particularly significant to these institutions.

Under President Carter's leadership, the United States witnessed progress and advancements in the support and recognition of HBCUs. His unwavering support will forever be remembered and appreciated by UNCF and the entire HBCU community.

As we reflect on President Carter's legacy, let us honor his memory by continuing to advocate for the importance of HBCUs and their role in creating a more equitable, inclusive and progressive society.

Peace and blessings to the Carter Family as we salute President Carter for his dedicated service to provide better futures for all.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The United Negro College Fund Supports President Biden's Budget

The UNCF (United Negro College Fund) today expressed strong support for President Biden’s budget legislation, which prioritized urgent needs for our country—with an emphasis on historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs).

Today, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona is defending the president’s budget before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies. The budget funds federal programs, agencies and departments.

“The Biden-Harris administration budget for Fiscal Year 2025 is a strong document in all areas including education,” said Dr. Michael L. Lomax, president and CEO, UNCF.  “The administration has heard our recommendations, moved on them, and if Congress follows suit, then our nation’s students and HBCUs will be stronger.”

“For three of the last four years, President Biden has made increasing support of HBCUs a number one priority, especially The Title III Strengthening HBCUs Program at the Department of Education,” said Lodriguez V. Murray, senior vice president for public policy and government affairs, UNCF. “These funding increasing along with the inclusion of HBCUs explicitly, again, in this year’s State of the Union Address represent the administration’s ongoing commitment to support HBCUs and help them achieve the progress necessary for them to continue to grow stronger, as UNCF’s upcoming economic impact report will reveal later this year.”

Programs slated for funding increases include:

Department             Program                            Pres. Budget           Difference +/- FY24

Education                Strengthening HBCUs        $431.6MM               +$30MM

Education                Strengthening HBGIs         $108.5MM               +$7.214MM

Education                Title V HBCU Masters        $21.3MM                $1.07MM

Education                Minority Sc. Eng. Program $16.4MM                +$30,000

Education                HBCU Cap. Fin. Program   $20.7MM                level funding

Education                Pell Grant (maximum)        $9,898                    +$3,000

Education                SEOG                               $910MM                 level funding

Education                Federal Work Study           $1.23B                    +$30MM

Education                TRiO                                 $1.211B                  +$20MM

Education                GEAR UP                          $398MM                 +$10MM

Education                Howard University              $297MM                 -$7.018MM

HHS / NIH               Nat’l Inst. on Min Health     $527MM                 -$7.395MM

Defense                  HBCU MI Program             $100MM                 -$1.467MM