Morgan State Community:
It is with great consternation that I deliver this message to our University community following the most unfortunate of events that occurred on our campus last evening. On behalf of our entire Morgan community including our Board of Regents, my administrative team, faculty and staff, we extend our thoughts and prayers to those students injured in this heinous act of violence. Their care and recovery are a top priority.
Today, we unfortunately find ourselves navigating this tragic event during a time at which we should be celebrating our National Treasure during Homecoming. Please understand that the safety of our campus is of the utmost importance and our resolve in ensuring that we have a secure campus is paramount. In response to last evening’s events, we are aggressively increasing security measures on campus, further amplifying additional security measures that have been implemented in recent years.
Regarding Homecoming, regrettably for the very first time in Morgan’s history all activities planned around Homecoming will be either cancelled or postponed until the perpetrator(s) of this atrocity have been found and brought to justice.
- Cancelled activities include: The Homecoming Concert, Silent Headphones Party, Homecoming Pep Rally, Homecoming Parade and all other on campus events including our Lady Bear Volleyball match.
- Activities associated with Homecoming that have been postponed include: the Homecoming Football Game, the MSU 39th Annual Homecoming Gala.
In the abundance of sensitivity for the emotional wellbeing of the campus community, we have also decided to cancel all classes and activities for the remainder of the week and will implement campus-wide programming geared towards the health and welfare of our University community. We strongly believe that this moment calls for reflection, thus allowing our students, faculty and staff the opportunity to focus on their mental wellness.
We arrived at this decision after very careful—and at times emotional—deliberation with key stakeholders within our University community including members of my administration, student leaders from SGA and our University Council.
In closing, I want to reiterate our unwavering commitment to delivering a safe campus for our entire Morgan family. We greatly appreciate the support of our larger community who have expressed their concern and support during this most trying time. As more details become available, please know that you will hear from me in the coming days.
Thank you.