By George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com

Stacey Abrams, Beto O'Rourke, and Andrew Gillum have many things in common. All ran great campaigns in their bids for elected office, all made a footprint on the national political stage, they got people out to vote who usually don't vote on mid-term elections, and they all lost their elections.
Despite that last point there are many Democrats are clamoring for their favorite of the three to run for the office of President of the United States in 2020.
Don't dismiss their potential run for the highest office in the land. There is room and support for them in a Democratic primary as Democrats both old and young are clamoring for something fresh and new. They all have bright political futures as Governors or U.S. Senators if they choose to run for those offices again. There is room and support for them in a Democratic primary as Democrats both old and young are clamoring for something fresh and new.
In my opinion, all three have great strengths:
Abrams has the most inspiring life story and has 10 plus years experience as an elected official. O'Rourke is by far the best fundraiser and has an "Obama" like appeal that younger voters seem to gravitate to. Gillum has the most charisma, has the most experience in elected office, has executive office experience, and is the best natural politician of the three.
But does any of that translate in a winning nationwide campaign? I don't know to be honest with you.
Of the three who do you think could most likely win a primary and then go on to become President of the United States?