Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Obama discusses discrimination, social change with students at North Carolina A&T University

In conjunction with ESPN's Undefeated, President Barack Obama held a town hall event at North Carolina A&T. He told the students, most of whom were athletes that social movements and activist activity is more likely to be successful if they know exactly what they are working for. Obama also discussed funding for HBCUs and how students could help with that funding. Check out some highlights of President Obama's responses below:

President Obama discusses how social movements begin with one person and then moves forward to deal with the bigger picture.

President Obama discussing funding for HBCU's and lowering cost for students:

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke suddenly remembers he's black and plays the race card.

By George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com

When Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke learned that the University of New Haven rescinded its offer for him to be the keynote speaker on a forensics discussion he was livid and the poor baby's feelings were hurt. He blamed the rescinded invitation on his past comments on Black Lives Matter and went so far as to play the race card.

In a blog post on Patheos Clarke wrote:

“Apparently, the higher-ups did not want me to speak on campus due to my remarks about #BlackLivesMatter,” he wrote on his Oct. 5 blog. “I’m not sure what specific remarks drove them to uninvite me, but anyone who listens to me for five seconds knows I prefer to drop the ‘v’ and call them #BlackLIESMatter. They terrorize the police, lie about their true mission, promote anarchy like the old Black Liberation Army, and released a list of ‘demands’ that included releasing known cop killers.”

The University of New Haven responded by stating that Clarke although he did not request payment for the lecture, the sheriff demanded expensive travel arrangements. They included a first-class airline ticket and a presidential hotel suite. They also released the following statement via Facebook:

The University is aware that some people, including current students and alumni, are upset that Sheriff David Clarke’s invitation to speak at the Markle Symposium was rescinded. As an institution of higher learning, we fully support free speech and value the marketplace of ideas. Unfortunately, circumstances did not permit Sheriff Clarke’s attendance at this year’s symposium, and we respect the resulting divergent reactions among the University community.

In response to the University of New Haven's statement Clarke went there and played the race card in a separate blog post of Patheos:

President Steven H. Kaplan, I understand why you don’t want people to know that a predominantly white college won’t let a black man speak on campus because of your incredible support for minorities. That doesn’t even pass the “straight face test.” If you think my beliefs should prohibit me from speaking about collecting, preserving, and analyzing evidence, that’s your decision as a private school.

Wow isn't that something, the man who believes all black people stopped by the police are belligerent, don't respect authority, and if they get shot it's those black people's fault suddenly remembers he's black and claims he was uninvited because he's black. No, Sheriff Clarke, you were uninvited because you are a diva, a self-hating diva but still a diva.

By George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com

Monday, October 10, 2016

Don't miss Michelle Obama's CNN film We Will Rise

In CNN Films' "We Will Rise: Michelle Obama's Mission to Educate Girls Around the World," the First Lady, Meryl Streep, Freida Pinto and CNN's Isha Sesay take a journey to Morocco and Liberia, where they meet young women overcoming incredible odds to change their lives.

Check out the trailer for We Will Rise: Michelle Obama's Mission To Educate Girls Around The World. The film airs Wednesday 10/12/2016 at 9 ET on CNN.

Who are "The African-Americans" Donald Trump speaks of?

During last night's town hall debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump myself and many of my black friends noticed something Trump kept doing. No, not the sniffing (what is up with that?) or lying but the fact that he kept saying, "The African-Americans". That got many of us to wondering just who the bleep Donald Trump was talking about.

Sunday, October 09, 2016

Uncle Ruckus, oops I mean Ben Carson sticks by Donald Trump

While other Republicans have unendorsed and ran away from Donald Trump, Uncle Ruckus, oops I mean Dr. Ben Carson has decided to stick with the Republican candidate. In an op-ed written for The Hill, Ben Carson wrote an op-ed showing his continuing support for Donald Trump even after the release of the disgusting video of Trump discussing how he groped and kissed women and how he could get away with it. Carson also claims that Democrats waited and strategically released the video and that there is more to come without questioning why Trump has so much negative material out there to release in the first place. But then again being a neurosurgeon equals books sense not common sense. George L. Cook III, AfricanAmericanReports.Com

Read Carson's piece below.

The recent disclosure of lewd conversations Donald Trump had over a decade ago has caused a some disillusionment among GOP stalwarts and conservative voters.

In no way do I condone Trumps behavior - in fact I condemn any form of disrespect towards women. We should always honor and respect the dignity of our mothers, sisters and daughters.

Even though the incident happened ten years ago, well before Trump entered the political arena, this behavior is unacceptable, especially by someone who aspires to higher office. Trump did the right thing in immediately and unequivocally apologizing.

I feel fairly certain that the progressives have had knowledge of this conversation for a long time and dropped it at this point in time in an effort too obscure the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton and her desire for open borders.

I believe that they have more material that they will release periodically up until the election to keep a negative focus on Donald Trump. They do not want to discuss the vital issues that are destroying our nation and the future of our children, because they do not have logical solutions and offer more of the same that has gotten us into this precarious situation.

Those of us who do not want to see America fundamentally devolve into something worse must be wise enough to recognize the scheme that is being played out here. We must demand not only that the issues be discussed but also that we make our decisions based on issues and not on personalities or decade old statements and behavior by Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

The political elites and their loyal media are desperate because they are seeing the large enthusiastic crowds for Donald Trump and the meager crowds for Hillary Clinton, and they know that there will be a huge enthusiasm gap on election day.

The question is; will the political elites of both parties succeed in continuing there reign of fiscal irresponsibility and military weakness or will the people understand what is going on and will they be wise enough to thwart those efforts?

Benjamin S Carson Sr MD

Emeritus Professor of Neurosurgery,Oncology,Plastic Surgery and Pediatrics

Johns Hopkins Medicine

President and CEO American Business Collaborative, LLC