Showing posts with label Sean Hannity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sean Hannity. Show all posts

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Conservatives think more blacks should support for Carson because his life story???


Many conservatives seem confounded by the fact that Ben Carson is not being received warmly by the African American voters. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and like minded ilk seem to think that Carson's great personal narrative should have blacks flocking to him to hear his message. By focusing on his narrative they are overlooking a lot of other issues that black voters have with Carson. Check out my fictional conversation between a black voter and a conservative Carson supporter which may better help to get my message across.

CONSERVATIVE: With his great life story and all I can't see why more blacks are not flocking to Ben Carson.

BLACK VOTER: Yes, he has a great life story but what does that have to do with being president? You know that we can separate the world class neurosurgeon from the horrible candidate?

CONSERVATIVE: What, you can? But doesn't his life story at least require that you as a black person take a good hard look at him and his policies?

BLACK VOTER: Do the dumb things he says about African Americans and his allowing himself to be used to attack President Obama warrant him not even getting my attention?

CONSERVATIVE: But his narrative!

BLACK VOTER: Does his narrative mean that I should ignore his lies about West Point and stabbing someone?

CONSERVATIVE: But he made it, he has such a great life story.

BLACK VOTER: Yes but his tax plan is a complete joke. He says he would base his plan on tithing, really?

CONSERVATIVE: Again, his life story.

BLACK VOTER: So I should ignore the fact that he would do damage to programs like Affirmative Action and financial aid programs that helped HIM get into and through college?

CONSERVATIVE: You are overlooking all he overcame in life.

BLACK VOTER: But I'm not overlooking the fact that he wants to do away with many of the programs that helped own HIS family eat and keep a roof over their heads?

CONSERVATIVE: You are focusing on the wrong thing here. Ignore what comes out of his mouth and just focus on his life story, he became a world class neurosurgeon for God's sake!

BLACK VOTER: That is a great story but what comes out of his mouth says to me that he wants to be the magical negro and have no one else climb the ladder after him.

CONSERVATIVE: Magical Negro?

BLACK VOTER: Ask Clarence Thomas, he'll fill you in on that.

CONSERVATIVE: But he was raised by a single mom and look how successful he is.

BLACK VOTER: Many black children are raised by single parents and go on to be successful. They may not become neurosurgeons but they become Mayors, Congressman, doctors, lawyers, police chiefs, teachers, engineers, military officers, upper management, college deans or presidents, small business owners, and more. Carson's story is not as rare as you would like to think it is.

CONSERVATIVE: Okay, then what about the fact he's black? You guys voted for Obama in droves because he's black.

BLACK VOTER: So why didn't we vote in droves for Jesse Jackson?

CONSERVATIVE: I don't know.

BLACK VOTER: Maybe because we are a lot more pragmatic that you guys give us credit for. Yes, we voted for Obama in big numbers but many also felt that he could actually do the job. Carson has MUCH to show and prove before we reach that point. Also when it comes to black issues Rand Paul seems to be more on point that Carson.


By George L. Cook III, EMAIL

Saturday, May 03, 2014

Sean Hannity is a bold face liar on Benghazi!

Sean Hannity is a bold faced liar!

When it comes to Benghazi (okay, and everything else) Sean Hannity has no problem lying or leaving out facts that better put things in context. He has no problem calling Press Secretary Jay Carney a liar or political hack even while he is on air lying. I mean how can this happen with his crack (as in they are actually on crack) team of researchers.

Let's dive into this.

Hannity has repeatedly stated the US forces were told to stand down on both his radio and talk shows. There is just one huge problem.

There was no "stand down" order given during Benghazi attack. Republicans own report from the Republican dominated House of Representatives states so:

V. There was no “stand down” order issued to U.S. military personnel in Tripoli who sought to join the fight in Benghazi. However, because official reviews after the attack were not sufficiently comprehensive, there was confusion about the roles and responsibilities of these individuals.

Don't take my word for it, read it for yourself:

When it comes to putting things in context Hannity completely leaves out relevant facts such as:

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say. Read more here:

Benghazi attack followed deep cuts in State Department security budget:

Now this is the United States and Hannity has the right to lie. My question is why is allowed to lie and misrepresent facts on a channel with "News" in it's title?

George Cook

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Allen West attempts to link Pres. Obama to Ft. Hood shootings?

After the tragic Fort Hood shootings on 04/02/2014 former congressman Allen West appeared on Fox News (where else) to give his opinion and thoughts on the tragedy. Now even I thought this made sense since he's prior military. But after be asked a question (ok prompted) by Sean Hannity he did something just as amazing as it is disgusting. This man somehow tried to connect President Obama's dealings with Crimea to the Ft. hood shootings. Normally nothing said on Fox News surprises me but this BS did. As someone who is former military and currently serving in a elected capacity I was completely embarrassed for him. This is something you have to see to believe. Watch his ridiculous comments below: