Sunday, November 22, 2020

Karine Jean-Pierre and Symone Sanders in running to be Biden Administration Press Secretary

Two of the frontrunners for press secretary in the Biden administration are reportedly black women. If either is selected, they would be the first black woman to occupy the White House press podium, one of the most visible jobs in the administration.

Two former campaign advisers, Karine Jean-Pierre and Symone Sanders, are reportedly among the top choices. Both have experience working with the leaders of the administration, as well as in the media.

Ms Jean-Pierre was chief of staff to vice-president elect Kamala Harris, a political analyst for NBC and MSNBC, and a former communications official at and the American Civil Liberties Union.

Before joining the Biden campaign, Ms Sanders previously served as press secretary for the 2016 Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, and was a CNN contributor.


Saturday, November 21, 2020

NAACP Legal Defense & Educational Fund sues Trump campaign over effort to disenfranchise Black voters in Michigan

The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, a non-partisan civil and human rights organization, filed a complaint on behalf of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization and three Detroit residents in a lawsuit challenging President Trump and the Trump Campaign’s ongoing efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election by disenfranchising Black voters in Michigan.

The lawsuit claims that both the president and his campaign are in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Exerting pressure on state and local officials not to count or certify voters is prohibited by Section 11(b) because it involves conduct that “intimidate[s], threaten[s], or coerce[s], or attempt[s] to intimidate, threaten, or coerce” people involved in “aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote.” Under the Voting Rights Act, voting is specifically defined to include “all action necessary to make a vote effective in any … election, including, but not limited to … having such ballot counted properly and included in the appropriate totals of votes cast with respect to candidates for public or party office and propositions for which votes are received in an election.”

“For two weeks, the president and his campaign have been spreading misinformation and making baseless accusations of voting irregularities in cities with large concentrations of Black voters who participated in record numbers in this election,” said Sherrilyn Ifill, LDF’s President and Director-Counsel. “These allegations have been consistently debunked and the campaign’s litigation attempts turned away by courts in several states. The president’s use of dog whistles to suggest the illegitimacy of votes cast by Black voters in Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, and Atlanta are an appeal to a dangerous and corrosive racialized narrative of voter fraud.

Equally alarming have been the president’s attempts to pressure state and local officials in Michigan – first with a demand that votes in Detroit not be counted and now, more recently, urging officials to refuse to certify votes from Wayne County. The right of Black voters to participate in the political process and elect candidates of their choice is protected by the Voting Rights Act of 1965. That legislation protects against efforts to intimidate or coerce officials to disenfranchise Black voters.

“Our action seeks to protect the integrity of the votes cast by Black voters in Detroit from the president’s attempts to overturn the will of voters expressed at the ballot box.”

Read the full complaint here.

Colin Kaepernick calls for release of former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal

Colin Kaepernick has publicly expressed support of the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal at a press conference held by the Campaign to Bring Mumia Home this week. Abu-Jamal was convicted of killing a Philadelphia police officer in 1981. He has served 38 years of a life sentence at a southwest Philadelphia prison thus far.

Watch Kaepernick's statement at the conference below:

Friday, November 20, 2020


The unusual and untimely death of 15-year old Quawan “Bobby” Charles is heart-wrenching and infuriating. The lack of transparency and urgency put forth by the authorities in Louisiana is a moral failing in the face of a family looking for answers to a loved one’s suspicious death. The dismissal of the Charles family’s concerns by law enforcement and the refusal to issue an amber alert are responsibilities that they failed to implement in a time-sensitive situation involving a minor.

As more information about this case continues to unravel, we expect and demand that the family is presented with nothing less than justice from those entrusted with managing this case.

Our hearts go out to those affected by this tragic loss. We stand in solidarity with the family and those seeking justice for Quawan and will remain vigilant to ensure the truth is reached.

The Congressional Black Caucus Chair Congratulates Rep. Cedric Richmond on Appointment to Biden Administration

The Congressional Black Caucus is delighted to congratulate our very own Member, Representative Cedric Richmond, on his historic appointment to serve in the Biden Administration. As the Director of Public Engagement and Senior Advisor to President-Elect Joe Biden, Rep. Richmond will be the most senior African-American serving in the incoming administration. This appointment is a clear recognition of both the critical role Rep. Richmond played in the Biden Campaign as national co-chair, as well as the significance of Black voters in delivering a decisive victory for Joe Biden. Black communities continue to bear the brunt of a global pandemic, economic recession, and racial inequities. Now more than ever, our communities deserve champions for our causes at all levels of government, including in the highest office of the land. Rep. Richmond will continue to be an arduous advocate for Black communities and his long record of service is proof of what is to come in the Biden Administration.

Congressman Richmond has tirelessly served the 2nd district of Louisiana since 2011, after being one of the youngest legislators to ever serve in the Louisiana State Assembly when he was elected shortly after his 27th birthday. During that time, he worked in a bipartisan fashion to deliver results to his constituents, including long-term federal relief from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters. Rep. Richmond currently serves as Assistant Majority Whip, assisting the Democratic Caucus in advancing key priorities such as restoring the Voting Rights Act and passing the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. He recently moved to the prestigious House Ways and Means Committee, where federal policies related to tax and social safety net programs are set. Prior to that, Rep. Richmond served on the House Judiciary Committee, where he played a role in the impeachment of Donald Trump, supported the First Step Act, and authored the CROWN Act to ban hair discrimination. He also served on the House Homeland Security Committee, where he chaired the Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies.

In the 115th Congress, Congressman Richmond led the Congressional Black Caucus under the first two years of the Trump Administration. Within the first 100 days of his administration, Rep. Richmond and Members of the CBC met with President Trump and delivered a 134-page policy proposal for Black America entitled “What We Have to Lose: Solutions to Advance Black Families in the 21st Century.” This was a policy-driven response to the president’s constant question on the 2016 campaign trail of what Black voters have to lose by voting for Donald Trump. The answer laid out the history of racial oppression in America, from the beginning of slavery in 1619, to Black Codes, Jim Crow, and defacto segregation, along with policy solutions to right the wrongs of the past and finally provide Black families with the resources they need to restore their communities. Rep. Richmond ultimately compiled these policy solutions from hundreds of the CBC-supported bills into an omnibus bill called the Jobs and Justice Act of 2018, the first of its kind. Throughout his tenure as CBC Chair, Rep. Richmond served as a constant check on the repressive policies proposed by the Trump Administration, from the dismantling of civil rights protections across agencies, and the failed effort to repeal Obamacare without a replacement, to the disgraceful trillion dollar tax cut for the rich and draconian budget cuts to programs that literally help the most vulnerable people in our nation make ends meet. In his new role, Rep. Richmond will bring this same passion and commitment for the Black community as he continues his public service as a top aide to President-Elect Biden at a critical time in our nation’s history.

The Congressional Black Caucus is proud of the role our Members played in the 2020 election, including Rep. Richmond and Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester as national co-chairs to the Biden campaign, Rep. Clyburn in his role in the South Carolina Caucus, and Senator Kamala Harris as Vice-Presidential running mate. We are proud to have sent three CBC Members to the White House: Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, and Cedric Richmond. And we are proud of the role CBC Members like Cedric Richmond will continue to play in getting our country closer to a more perfect union, one that truly delivers liberty and justice for all Americans. We remain steadfast partners in this effort and wish our friend and colleague well on this most awesome journey.