Statement from President Clinton and Secretary Clinton
— Bill Clinton (@BillClinton) July 21, 2024
African American news blog that features news that may get little or no coverage in the mainstream media
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Bill & Hillary Clinton statement in support of Kamala Harris
Monday, May 21, 2018
Hillary Clinton endorses Stacey Abrams in Georgia gov race
UPDATE: Stacey Abrams Wins Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor.

Former Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton endorsed Stacey Abrams on the eve of the primary vote, making her the latest in a string of high-profile national figures to back her bid to be the nation’s first black female governor.
Clinton recorded a robo-call that described Abrams, a former state House minority leader, as “the only candidate with bold new plans to ensure that Georgians have access to good jobs, quality public schools, affordable childcare and higher education.”
In the robo-call, Clinton touts Abrams’ platform for pushing for voting rights expansions, new restrictions on firearms and Medicaid expansion.
Listen to Hillary Clinton's endorsement below:
Saturday, November 04, 2017
Brazile says she considered swapping Clinton for Biden as 2016 nominee
Monday, November 07, 2016
Lebron James with Hillary Clinton in Cleveland
Check out Lebron James introducing our next president, Hillary Clinton and discussing why our votes matter in Cleveland, Ohio on November 6, 2016.
Saturday, November 05, 2016
Hey Democrats, don't panic over lower African American early voting turnout
By George L. Cook III African American Reports
Democratic strategist, talking heads, and many Hillary Clinton supporters are in a slight panic over the lower early voting totals for African Americans. Calm down people; there is no reason to start popping Valiums or downing bottles of whiskey here. There are two factors that when taken into account give a better picture of the cause of the lower totals and should give all Hillary Clinton supporters a rosier outlook.
Factor #1: Hillary was never going to get the same early voting totals as Barack Obama among African-American voters, but then again she doesn't have to. All she has to do is get the 88-90% of the total black vote that Michael Dukakis (89%), Al Gore (90%), and John Kerry (88%)Kerry got. If she does that and continues to expand her base among Hispanic voters, Asian voters, and college educated women, she will be okay. *Sidebar: Yes, smart asses I know that Dukakis, Gore, and Kerry all lost but 88-90% of the black vote back then does not equate to what 80-90% would be now as many more African Americans are voting.
Factor #2: Many of those panicking are ignoring or minimizing the effect of Republican voter suppression tactics. In many states like North Carolina and Alabama, the number of early polling sites was reduced, and those that did open up had their hours cut. Many black voters preferred to use the early voting option so of course, their turnout numbers would be lower if those options are taken away. But just because they couldn't vote early doesn't mean that black voters won't vote. Many will take the time to turn out on election day and cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton. In my humble opinion all Republicans have succeeded in doing with their voter suppression tactics is moving the day when African Americans vote.
So everyone just relax. The black vote will be there for Hillary and help make her the next President of the United States.
By George L. Cook III African American Reports
Black clergy making last second push to get out the vote
Black clergy are taking to the pulpits and the streets nationwide this weekend in hopes of energizing black voters ahead of Election Day, aiming to make a difference in the presidential contest between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
Many expect a drop in black voter participation this year, primarily because Barack Obama, the nation’s first African-American president, is not on the ballot. His historic candidacy in 2008 and re-election in 2012 helped to fuel record black turnout.
“Voting, for us, is both a spiritual and a political issue,” said Rev. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP and architect of the Moral Monday Movement in North Carolina. Barber will be one of several clergy at the historic Riverside Church in New York City Sunday evening for a revival service to encourage voting on Tuesday.
Read more: Black clergy making last second push to get out the vote
Saturday, October 29, 2016
Loretta Lynch not happy with FBI Director James Comey letter to Congress
On Friday, James Comey, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, acting independently of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, sent a letter to Congress saying that the F.B.I. had discovered e-mails that were potentially relevant to the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private server. Coming less than two weeks before the Presidential election, Comey’s decision to make public new evidence that may raise additional legal questions about Clinton was contrary to the views of the Attorney General, according to a well-informed Administration official. Lynch expressed her preference that Comey follow the department’s longstanding practice of not commenting on ongoing investigations, and not taking any action that could influence the outcome of an election, but he said that he felt compelled to do otherwise.
Comey’s decision is a striking break with the policies of the Department of Justice, according to current and former federal legal officials. Comey, who is a Republican appointee of President Obama, has a reputation for integrity and independence, but his latest action is stirring an extraordinary level of concern among legal authorities, who see it as potentially affecting the outcome of the Presidential and congressional elections.
“You don’t do this,” one former senior Justice Department official exclaimed. “It’s aberrational. It violates decades of practice.” The reason, according to the former official, who asked not to be identified because of ongoing cases involving the department, “is because it impugns the integrity and reputation of the candidate, even though there’s no finding by a court, or in this instance even an indictment.”
Traditionally, the Justice Department has advised prosecutors and law enforcement to avoid any appearance of meddling in the outcome of elections, even if it means holding off on pressing cases. One former senior official recalled that Janet Reno, the Attorney General under Bill Clinton, “completely shut down” the prosecution of a politically sensitive criminal target prior to an election. “She was adamant—anything that could influence the election had to go dark,” the former official said.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson endorses Hillary Clinton
Following in the footsteps of Brittany Packnett, another prominent leader of the Black Lives Matter movement, DeRay Mckesson is supporting Hillary Clinton
“I am voting for Hillary Clinton,” Mckesson wrote in a Washington Post op-ed. “Clinton’s platform on racial justice is strong.”
McKesson went on to write:
I agree with Clinton more than I disagree with her... The [racial] unrest and activism over the last two years has undoubtedly pushed Clinton, specifically on key issues that she and other Democrats otherwise would not have addressed as forcefully as the party’s platform does: private prisons, an increased minimum wage, the role of institutional and implicit bias in sustaining unjust systems and acknowledging the need to address racism directly, to name a few.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Colin Powell is supporting Hillary Clinton
You knew this was going to happen, right? Former Secretary of State Colin Powell announced that he will vote for Hillary Clinton at a luncheon on Tuesday.
Powell made his announcement at a Tuesday event hosted by the Long Island Association, a business group focused on development in Long Island, New York.
The announcement was confirmed by Powell's chief of staff, Peggy Cifrino.
Monday, October 24, 2016
Jay Z to Stage Hillary Clinton Concert in Swing State Ohio
Jay Z will stage a concert in support of Hillary Clinton in the swing state of Ohio before Election Day, according to Buzzfeed. Details of the concert were not formally announced.
The Cleveland concert will focus on mobilizing black voters ahead of the November 8th presidential election; while Clinton currently holds a narrow lead against Donald Trump in most polls in the crucial swing state, a huge turnout by the African-American community would make it difficult for Trump to capture the Buckeye State, Buzzfeed reports.
Both Jay Z and Beyoncé have been staunch supporters of Hillary Clinton, participating in fundraisers for the candidate. The couple even hung out with former president Bill Clinton during the Made in America festival in Philadelphia.
Monday, October 03, 2016
Hillary Clinton: Speech On Implicit Bias and Systematic Racism
Here's a speech you wont hear Donald Trump give. This past Sunday Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton visited Little Rock AME Zion Church, a historic black church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Clinton discussed implicit bias and systemic racism that still exists in America. She spoke about the deaths of Terence Crutcher and Keith Scott at the hands of police and how we as a country can begin to address the issue of implicit bias. Watch her speech below.
Lebron James endorses Hillary Clinton
In an op-ed posted at BusinessInsider.Com NBA star Lebron James endorsed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. In the op-ed James wrote:
When I look at this year’s presidential race, it’s clear which candidate believes the same thing. Only one person running truly understands the struggles of an Akron child born into poverty. And when I think about the kinds of policies and ideas the kids in my foundation need from our government, the choice is clear.
That candidate is Hillary Clinton.
I support Hillary because she will build on the legacy of my good friend, President Barack Obama. I believe in what President Obama has done for our country and support her commitment to continuing that legacy.
Like my foundation, Hillary has always been a champion for children and their futures. For over 40 years, she’s been working to improve public schools, expand access to health care, support children’s hospitals, and so much more.
She wants to make sure kids have access to a good education, no matter what zip code they live in. She’ll rebuild schools that are falling apart and put more money into computer science. She’ll make sure teachers are paid what they deserve so they can give everything to their students.
She also has plans to make college a reality for more people in America, especially for those who can’t afford it. My kids in Akron are proof of the hope and motivation that come from knowing college can be in their future, no matter what obstacles they might be facing.
Finally, we must address the violence, of every kind, the African-American community is experiencing in our streets and seeing on our TVs. I believe rebuilding our communities by focusing on at-risk children is a significant part of the solution. However, I am not a politician, I don’t know everything it will take finally to end the violence. But I do know we need a president who brings us together and keeps us unified. Policies and ideas that divide us more are not the solution. We must all stand together — no matter where we are from or the color of our skin. And Hillary is running on the message of hope and unity that we need.
Sunday, October 02, 2016
Why are some black millennials supporting Gary Johnson?
George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com
If you have no life and have been watching the poll numbers about this upcoming general election as I do you will notice that Hillary Clinton's biggest threat when it comes to the black vote is Gary Johnson, not Donald Trump. Johnson is especially catching on with black millennials, and that got me to wondering what Johnson was discussing when it comes to the issues that concern that group of voters, police shootings/Black Lives Matter, jobs, education, and criminal justice reform. And because I have no life I decided to check out Johnson's website to see his stand on those four issues that effect black millennials and African American voters in general. From what I can gather I don't understand why any black millennial or any African American for that matter would vote for Johnson.
POLICE SHOOTINGS #BlackLivesMatterIf the shooting of unarmed black men is an issue for you you want find anything on Johnson's web site articulating his views on this issue. While he has made comments while campaigning about Black Lives Matter he has no fleshed out take on the issue or what he intends to do about it on his webpage.
On his page about jobs it's apparent that Johnson favors deregulation:
Governors Johnson and Weld believe that we must allow a regulatory and tax environment that incentivizes fairness. Not one that picks winners and losers. The purpose of government regulation is to protect citizens from bad actors and the harm they might do to health, safety, and property. But regulation should not be used to manipulate the economy, to manage private lives and businesses, or to place unnecessary burdens on those who make our economy work.
My take on that stance.
Just ask the people in Flint Michigan how well deregulation works. Also, you can forget about that $15 an hour minimum wage as the page clearly states regulation should not be used to manipulate the economy or to place unnecessary burdens on those who make our economy work.
If you are a Millennial and college affordability is an issue for you the first thing you will notice is that there is nothing on his page about that topic. Why would there be as Libertarians believe in the free market system which has worked to drive up college cost.
He also wants to eliminate the DOE (Department of Education) and allow states to run their schools as they see fit. This is great if you live in a state that values education but horrible if you reside in a state with failing schools and a state government more worried about slashing cost than educating children.
On education Johnson's web page does point out his view on school choice:
Knowing full well that the establishment would resist calls for change, he nevertheless advocated a universally available program for school choice. Competition, he believes, will make our public and private educational institutions better.
My take on that stand:
As a board of education member in my community I understand the desire of parents to get their children into better schools. The problem I have with Johnson's stance and others like it is that it still doesn't address fixing failing schools or what will happen to this student left behind. In my opinion, this is just a feel good band aid approach.
On this topic Johnson's page tend to has more meat on the bone and it states some truths:
How is it that the United States, the land of the free, has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world? The answer is simple: Over time, the politicians have “criminalized” far too many aspects of people’s personal lives.
The failed War on Drugs is, of course, the greatest example. Well over 100 million Americans have, at one time or another, used marijuana. Yet, today, simple possession and use of marijuana remains a crime — despite the fact that a majority of Americans now favor its legalization.
And who is most harmed by the War on Drugs? Minorities, the poor, and anyone else without access to high-priced attorneys.
More generally, mandatory minimum sentences for a wide range of offenses and other efforts by politicians to be “tough” have removed far too much common-sense discretion from judges and prosecutors.
These factors, combined with the simple fact that we have too many unnecessary laws, have produced a society with too many people in our prisons and jails, too many undeserving individuals saddled with criminal records, and a seriously frayed relationship between law enforcement and those they serve.
Fortunately, a growing number of state and local governments are taking steps toward meaningful criminal justice reform. The federal government must do the same, and Gary Johnson is committed to bringing real leadership to this long-overdue effort.
Gary Johnson and Bill Weld are committed to meaningful criminal justice reform.
End the War on Drugs. Reduce Recidivism. Support Law Enforcement.
My take on this stance:
I'm happy that Johnson wants to end the war on drugs, reduce recidivism and support law enforcement but he doesn't tell us how he will do any of those things which in my opinion simply makes them campaign rhetoric. This is too serious of an issue not to give details.
Now I'm not saying that Gary Johnson is a bad candidate or that any rational black voter should not take a look at his platform. What I am saying is that Johnson's Liberation beliefs may put him at odds with things that can help African Americans. That is something to consider.
George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com
In the interest of full disclosure Mr. Cook supports Hillary Clinton.
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Michelle Obama new campaign ad for Hillary Clinton
In this new campaign ad Michelle Obama explains why she believes in Hillary Clinton in a new 30 second campaign ad. Watch the ad below:
Pres. Obama campaign ad for Hillary Clinton
President Barack Obama tells voters he will feel personally insulted if they fail to mobilize in the presidential election, in a new ad released by Priorities USA, the super PAC that supports Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. The commercial will begin airing Wednesday in Ohio, North Carolina and Florida and will run for at least a week. It's part of a $3 million previously announced ad buy.
We need to listen to millennials on how they feel about the presidential candidates
Anyone seriously following the presidential race knows that millennials are less than enthused about either candidate and are considering voting third party. Many of us have been dismissive of their feelings or simply accused them of not understanding what's at stake. Maybe what we should be doing is taking more time to understand and begin to attempt to address their issues before Election Day.
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Where was Lester Holt during the debate?
By George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com
Over 80 million people watched the first presidential debate last night between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump which was moderated by Lester Holt. It may surprise you that the black guy (Lester) you saw at the beginning of the show stayed there throughout the entirety of the debate. It seemed at times that he unlike the candidates was allowed a few bathroom breaks.
It looked at times that Holt simply disappeared and then popped back up only to ask the next question. I'm reading online that he got relatively good praise for his job as moderator and that he stayed out of the way and let the candidates debate each other.
Those giving him positive praise say that he was like a good referee in that he stayed out of the way of the action. Now I like Lester, and he is a great and respected journalist but other than letting Trump know that stop and frisk had been ruled unconstitutional and reminding Trump that he did at one time support the War in Iraq I thought Holt had left the room. If Holt had been a boxing referee, there would have been punches below the belt and ear biting with Holt showing up at the end of each round to stop the action.
So what was Holt during as the two candidates went at each other? Well here's my list of things he may have been doing.
Prank calling Brian Williams.
He was one of the few people watching Monday Night Football.
Practicing his wrestling moves while watching Monday Night Raw.
Reconsidering being a Republican.
Prank calling Brian Williams some more
Now I don't feel like Lester Holt did a bad job when he was actually moderating the debate it's just that I don't feel he did that much moderating. It would be like your manager at work saying that an employee does a good job...when they come to work.
George L. Cook III AfricanAmericanReports.Com
Monday, September 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton discusses plan to help black colleges (HBCUs)
During an interview on The Tom Joyner Morning Show, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton discussed her plan to help HBCU's. In response to a question from Roland Martin she made the following comments.
So what I’m focusing on is more good-paying jobs, I want to make college affordable and that is a plan that I’ve been talking about and working toward since I got into this campaign. I also want to help everybody with student debt and that’s a very high proportion of African-American young people with a B.A., that come out with student debt. We’re going to really help that get paid down and paid off so people can get on with their life.
I’m committed to helping historically Black colleges and universities – in fact, I have a specific fund of $25 billion dollars that will really upgrade and support and provide financial assistance for young people, because I think the HBCU’s are incredibly important in providing a pathway into the future.
Friday, September 16, 2016
Full Speech: Michelle Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton at George Mason University
The beautiful, intelligent, funny, and energetic First Lady Michelle Obama took to the campaign trail at George Mason University in support of Hillary Clinton. Watch her amazing speech below.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Full Speech: Pres. Obama campaigns for Hillary Clinton in Philadelphia
President Obama spoke to supporters of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton at Eakins Oval in Philadelphia. Obama mounted a vigorous defense of Hillary Clinton, her campaign's transparency and her fitness for the presidency, and blasted Republicans as fanning "anger and hate." Watch his entire speech below.